
Teaching yoga is my passion.

I am not only interested in the physical aspect of this beautiful discipline but also and most importantly in its spiritual dimension.

The focus of my practice is to find a balanced mix of mind, spirit, and body.

Om Shanthi,

Cinzia Bhakti Parma


My Yoga Journey

Yoga has changed my life, both through my daily practice and teaching, and it is now an integral part of my life.

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Yoga has given so much to me that I feel blessed with the opportunity to do something for others.

Integral Yoga Institute

Integral Yoga® helped pioneer the introduction of Yoga to the western world 50 years ago.   Yoga master Swami Satchidananda came to New York and shared his teachings, which promote an easeful body, a peaceful mind, and a useful life. He taught that selfless service and interfaith understanding were essential for a peaceful world.IYI mix    Sri Swami Satchidananda, founder of Integral Yoga®, helped shape the modern Yoga world in the West. He is one of the most beloved Yoga masters of our time.

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Yoga is a Sanskrit word that comes from the root, “yuj” which means “to join together.” Simply put, Yoga means “union.” In many ways the term Yoga is similar to the English term, “communion.” It refers to the state of union or communion with God, one’s true Self, or Higher Power.